It happens so rarely these days. True smiles and real happiness. We used to have joy- not all the time of course- but our undercurrent really was happiness with occasional sadness and hurt. Now it is the complete opposite. My undercurrent is mostly sadness and desperate longing with occasional moments of smiling--distraction but once we leave work, leave our friends, walk away from temporary distraction, we fall to our knees again. Russ and I often walk around especially early in the morning before Colin wakes up and at night- the nights are so hard- in a daze. Sometimes our silence is deafeningly loud and our crying so heart wrenching. I wake up most mornings with my hair behind my ears soaked with tears and I listen sometimes at night or in the early morning to my husband sobbing. There-is-nothing-worse-I-could-ever-imagine. Losing my baby sometimes feels like I am dying slowly. Every time I think of his hair and his eyes and things that he said, I am crushed with images of my babies face a terrifying color blue and his body limp as Russ handed him to me in a panic...I relive my worst fear coming true before my eyes that morning and I can't breathe. I don't mean that philosophically- I physically can't breathe-then I gasp-- suck in air and hear a cry that I have never heard come from myself. It's as if I am listening to someone else- what is this pain? How long will it last and will we ever be able to "flip" back again? I honestly don't see how but I need to believe with every part of me that we can get some joy back- real happiness not just temporary distraction smiling--and remember Jacob of course with sadness missing him, but also with joy for knowing him- joy that he is in my heart.
Our so very gifted counselor who I believe was meant for Russ and I, urges me often to slow down, stay here--in this moment--try to not jump to the fears and worries of the future. So for now I take anything I can get and I live for those temporary moments and the source of my true joy----I love you Colin. I love you Russ.
I love you Jacob. I want you so badly, that in these hours of the night when I can't stop watching Colin breathe through the monitor, I am not aware of a possibility of going on without you. I don't see how I can when I look at this picture and I all I feel is ridiculous longing to take you to the beach this summer, to hug you, to kiss you harder than I ever have- I feel angry and lost and hopeless and empty...
You were me and are me and always will be a part of every ounce of me and every second and minute of my everyday. I am still here 90 days later-and for now I am going to resolve again to live for your brother who is just a much my heart and who says he misses you and says your name everyday--and for your daddy--the first Kratzer boy I loved. And the rest, please help me God-please.
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