Thursday, October 10, 2013

Just enough

   Sometimes it just comes out of nowhere- for a moment I will be "ok" watching Colin..smiling at his sweet face and curly blonde hair or laughing at something he has said and then I will catch a glimpse of Jacob- in a picture on the refrigerator or on the wall, while passing the toy lawn mower that he loved that I would give my life to be annoyed by again as he sped behind it- and I crumble.  I smile, I sob, I laugh, I cry, I break, I piece back just enough to get though and then I repeat. Such incredible loss. I look around sometimes at other parents and feel uncomfortable jealousy of a life that doesn't know this kind of pain.  The kind that literally takes your breath away.

     I would give anything for one more hug, one more kiss, one more, "I lubba you mommy."  I still go to bed at night thinking..oh please don't let me wake up as I think about my baby who I miss and long for just as much as I adored and loved him when he was here.  I love and miss him more everyday just like I love Colin more with each passing day.  Colin- leaving this world might let me be with half of my heart while leaving the other behind.  It is a horrible struggle I feel every moment that I think I just can't take another step, live another minute, take another breath without him. 

.....then I wake up and piece just enough together...just enough.

 And I can go for a few hours with friends and smile and laugh..then drive the whole way home crying.  We took Colin to the pumpkin patch and I cried so hard in the parking lot walking out remembering Jacob the two years passed, that I saw more than 1 person staring. 


This is our life- so much pain mixed with so many loving friends and family...and our Colin. 

I have a hard time being around people who didn't know Jacob- who never met him or who don't know that I have twins.  It feels scary and unreal. Its hard to describe and yet I don't know if this will ever really change.  I looked around at all of our friends who came to Jacob's memorial site a few weeks ago to help release butterflies and balloons to our little man and I thought..we love these people...because they mean so much to us but also because each and everyone of them carries just a small piece of Jacob by knowing remembering something he did or said or what he looked like and that is the Jacob we have today.  Its all we have and I love them- everyone of them.  Its our memories of him and for us its the part of our hearts he will always take up fully despite the emptiness and loss. 

I smile, I sob, I laugh, I cry, I break, I piece back...never all the way, but for now just enough.

I love you Jacob and Colin--with every part of me...


1 comment:

  1. lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelubbalovelovelovelovelovelovelove
